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Our Story

Luke and Pia Winder (owners of Tathra Place Free Range) opened Integrity Meats at 48 Union Street Goulburn, a butcher shop nourishing its local community with local produce. It is very much a family business the show would not go on!


Integrity Meats is dedicated to providing nutrient-dense, chemical-free produce from paddock to plate. By purchasing our products you are helping to restore our farm’s ecosystems and your own health. Why would we want to sustain a broken system, when we could regenerate it?

Farm Tour Registration

Thank you for your interest in Integrity Meats Loyalty program. We can't wait to welcome you to our farm!


To become a member of our Loyalty Program and receive a weekly members special EVERY TIME you shop in store...

1. Purchase a ticket for our next  farm tour*.

2. Attend our unique farm tour experience at Tathra Place Free Range to learn about our regenerative farming methods

3. Shop in store and experience the benefits of eating with integrity.

See you there!

Luke, Pia, Thomas, Michael and Jonathan


COST: $10 per adult, $20 per family (2 adults + kids)


Time: 10-12pm (tour starts at 10:15 sharp)

Location: 2203 Wombeyan Caves Road Wombeyan Caves, NSW 2580

*Note: By purchasing a ticket you have agreed to the terms and conditions listed on the bottom of this page.


What to bring? 

WARM CLOTHES, hat, sunscreen, drink bottle, closed/comfortable walking shoes


What to expect?

1 hour walking farm tour explaining our regenerative multi-species farming practices followed by a FREE sausage sizzle. You will receive your membership keyring upon completion of the tour.


We don’t have any products to show here right now.

Farm Tour terms and conditions

By submitting this form you have agreed to participate in a tour of Tathra Place Free Range's farm (“the Tour”). Whilst we uphold the highest safety standards and believe the Tour to be safe for public participation, the Tour takes place on a working farm which carries risks, and the possibility of harm. Please read the below to confirm that you acknowledge and accept these risks on your own behalf and on behalf of any child under your care.

I acknowledge and accept that this Tour takes place on a working farm and there is a risk that serious injury or death may result from being on a working farm.

I voluntarily participate in the Tour at my own risk, and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property loss or damage, I or any child under my care, may suffer that arises from my/our participation in the Tour, even if arising from the negligence of Tathra Place Free Range or its employees.

I agree to follow the directions of any tour guide and that any misconduct, or refusal by me to follow any direction of the guide may result in the cancellation of my participation in the Tour and my immediate expulsion from the farm. I understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability and I agree to indemnify Tathra Place Free Range against all claims made by any person as a result of my failure to comply.

I warrant that I have not consumed alcohol or taken any mind altering drugs prior to the Tour, and take full responsibility for any injury, loss or damage associated with my consumption of them.

I agree that I will notify the tour guide immediately of any injury sustained during the Tour and authorise the tour guide and any  staff to administer first aid or medical attention as required. I agree for the tour guide to call an ambulance if necessary for the medical attention of myself and any child under my care and I agree to bear any cost thereby incurred.

To the extent permitted by law, I, for myself and on behalf of any child under my care, my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless and agree not to sue Tathra Place Free Range and/or any individual employees, other participants, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the activities (all of whom are referred to as “Releasees”) with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise.

I have had sufficient opportunity to read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights have agreed to these terms voluntarily without inducement of any kind. I understand that my acceptance of these terms is a complete and unconditional release of all liability of the Releasees, to the greatest extent allowed by law in the event of me and/or any child under my care, suffering injury or death.

For Participants under 18 years of age - I, as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept all of the above, and consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities arising from the participant involvement in the Tour, even if arising from the negligence of the Releasees. 

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