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20kgs of chemical free pastured Tathra Place Free Range pork. In our opinion, this is the best pork in the country. Packs will include a combination of roasts and single portions of:

- Scotch

- Rack

- Loin

- Belly  (ribs slices and or roast)

- Scotch fillet 

- Cutlets

- Loin chops


These cuts are packaged for the freezer, ready for weeks of ethical, nutrient dense meals. 

20kg pork primal pack

  • Tathra Place Free Range uses a choreographed multi-species cycle of rotation and rest to break pathogen cycles and sequester soil carbon. All our animals live on fresh, diverse pasture. A pig' role is to create the disturbance required to stimulate plant growth, contributing manure and urine with the added bonus of producing award winning pork. 

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